Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Akiba Online Dandy 2010

Happy New Year 2010! And Champagne!

Champagne is often synonymous with celebration and it's not for nothing. Drink in many flavors and combinations, it is one of the most popular beverage for centuries. Already Napoleon Bonaparte considered him an elixir inevitable: " I can not live without Champagne, in case of victory, I deserve it, in case of defeat, I need it. This is not only through the modes that this sparkling wine through time. It has been adopted for many circumstances and at all social levels. Besides the fashion champagne would not come solely from its region of origin. The lecturer Reims Benedict Musset (Vineyard and writer on champagne. "History of the vineyards of Champagne"), has also recently stated during his lecture on the birth of champagne that he "would come from England, but is not English," he qualified. He said the first word "official" of this sparkling wine dates back to 1676 when, in a play in English, the author uses the term "sparkling champagne (champagne effervescence).
To enter this historical fact, we must go back until the fall of the British monarchy, that when the exiled aristocrats to Paris discovered the refinements of French cuisine. They would have fallen under the magic and charm of champagne produced around Epernay. At that time the rest of the vineyard of the region, it was more common to speak of this elixir as a 'vin de Champagne ", which seemed to be yet sparkling like the one we enjoy today. The first shipment from Epernay According to the vineyard and passionate Benedict Musset, since the Middle Ages, this sparkling wine was considered a disease of the wine. From the early eighteenth century, brokers themselves consider that the crackling "distorts the wine." The first shipment from Epernay: 500 bottles, dates from 1708. Once, it cost about three pounds a bottle, the equivalent of a working week of an average worker. Consumers were therefore almost exclusively aristocrats. With its exceptional flavor it will not long prevail. Wine considered "unclassifiable" it provides an exhilarating effect on the spirits, a source of pleasure waking up all the senses of man, drunk on champagne provided by "reveals the true nature of people. " The market is quickly becoming productive structure and great speed in society. There were in 1805 - the date of the appearance of Champagne on the Cote des Bars - nearly 2.5 million bottles shipped.
The champagne, also known as champagne, sparkling wine is a protected designation of origin. Renowned worldwide, associated with luxury and festivals of every kind, it draws its name from the Champagne region in north-eastern France.

Historically, this ancient province begins producing sparkling wines not, of wine wine quite clear also called "nature." They are also found in two appellations: Coteaux Champenois (red, white or pink), the most famous products are the communes of Bouzy, or Damery Virtues and the Rose Riceys, elixir exclusively produced in the commune of riceys (Dawn). Champagne region produces mostly white wines, sparkling wines is called simply "champagne". With a range of wines, sometimes special, and different bottles (art, design, commemorative, historical ...). They are designed especially with three grapes: pinot noir, pinot meunier and chardonnay (white). Of course, other varieties, very marginal, are also approved and used in the production of champagne. As Arban, the Petit Meslier, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris true.

Champagne is often synonymous with a party or celebration.

It enjoys great prestige in the world, including through the protection and defense of the appellation very active. small bubbles, which are a feature of this drink is obtained by a second fermentation. It is called "Fermentation".

Before use, it should be cellared for at least one year so that it receives what it calls "expedition liqueur" (a mixture of sugar cane and old wines from Champagne), which determines its character, sometimes rough or smooth.