Monday, October 15, 2007

To Kill A Mockingbird Southern Quotes

My speach Mobile Barcamp Paris! After

The theme that I discussed in my speach of Saturday, October 13, 2007 at the Mobile Barcamp in Paris was that of Mobile Banking:

- definition of Mobile Banking: After the Minitel, the server voice, the Drive'in Banking, the Online Banking, now is the time of the PDA banking, SMS banking, WAP banking, the Mobile Internet banking, Mobile Banking Software (Java Mobile, Windows Mobile Edition compatible, Palm OS, others)

- technologies, terminals Cellular, PocketPC, PDA communicating, Smartphone, networks and the disparity across the world: North Africa, Brazil, China, Russia

- marketing issues from the perspective of banks: monitoring trends and new uses, counter competition 100% Internet-based P2P Banking. What are the ROI Direct? Complement the services by the game, protefeuille virtual, alerts, customization.

- prime targets of banks generation "SMS" VIP, Very Mobile Person

- geographic territories of technical experimentation (Africa where regulations are less strict about including SMS Payment ) and marketing (including the USA with business aggregations of accounts and the payment of Person to Person).

- the challenges of integrating mobile solutions into the computer systems of banks: security, maintenance, prediction of exponential curves to use, monitoring of mobile technologies in constant renewal.

Thanks to Microsoft for the invitation, and talented organizers.


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