Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Myammee Breast On Ice

USA: yes to Mobile Banking, NOT for P2P Payment

From the Business Wire press release of Dove Consulting firm in USA, made in the U.S. market: mobile banking is by far the preferred solution for Americans to access their bank! Payment between people using mobile (Person to Person Mobile Payment) has no currently foreseeable future in the country of Uncle Sam In contrast to Africa where the P2P Payment is strongly requested.

Excerpt from press release:

"Consumers Across the United States are ready to Adopt a Broad Set of mobile commerce applications, According to new research from Dove Consulting, a division of Hitachi Consulting. The research, sponsored by PSCU Financial Services, was conducted using focus groups in multiple cities, and gauged consumer interest in and predicted future use of three major mobile applications: mobile banking (using a mobile device to access banking information), mobile payment at the point-of-sale (using a mobile device to make purchases), and mobile person-to-person payments (using a mobile device to send money to another mobile device).
When asked which of these mobile applications they were most excited about using, nearly two-thirds of study participants chose mobile banking and 30 percent chose mobile payment at the point-of-sale. Only a handful indicated they were excited about mobile person-to-person payments.
According to Chris Allen, a director with Dove Consulting and head of the payments strategy team, these results are in line with the direction the financial services industry is moving. “Given everything financial institutions have done to encourage the adoption of mobile banking, it isn’t surprising that more people are comfortable with the technology and interested in using it. I expect as more applications are developed that allow people to use their phones and mobile devices to pay for goods and services, consumer interest in this technology will grow and we will see it move into the mainstream, probably within the next two-to-four years.”
Participants indicated they are ready to start using mobile banking and mobile payment at the point-of-sale now. For both applications, adoption is likely to begin with a smaller group of tech-savvy users embracing the applications early, and the majority of consumers adopting soon afterwards once the product is more established. Person-to-person mobile payments did not resonate as strongly with participants, with few indicating they would adopt at any point in time.
“The results of this research confirmed our view that mobile services are something that consumers are ready for,” said Kent Potterton, Director of Credit Services and New Product Development at PSCU Financial Services. “This was one of our primary motivations for adopting mFoundry’s mobile financial platform and enabling our credit unions to offer mobile banking and mobile bill payment services to their membership.”
Convenience is the most compelling feature of both mobile banking and mobile payment at the point-of-sale. Participants cited the ability to perform banking functions, such as check balances and pay bills, from anywhere without the need of a computer as the major convenience of mobile banking, and the prospect of no longer carrying a wallet as the major convenience of mobile payment at the point-of-sale. Conversely, participants indicated security and fraud were their main concerns regarding these mobile applications, wondering what would happen if their mobile devices were lost or stolen.

Copyright Business Wire, pour Dove Consulting.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Acrostic Poems Based On Camel

Innov IT ORLY: 30 startups selected

30 startups were selected from more than 300 records in the event of Innovation & Development meeting at Paris-Orly Sud, which runs from February 7, 2008. Lemon Way is a part, and present its turnkey solutions for Mobile Banking, Banking IPTV and Mobile Trading.

4 companies in the field of mobility have been selected.

Thank Finance and Technology at Gif sur Yvette for organizing this event. HSBC is the sole banking partner of the event to be held at the following address:

4th floor - Terrace

I Need A Nickname Gangster

Market research on Mobile Banking

I ordered a market study to Nexence on Mobile Banking in France alone, with surprising results (Mobile Internet and mobile applications in vogue among Young, data plan and soaring costs democratization DATA), and other expected (passabilité current services SMS WAP banking and banking).
According to the study, the 20 largest banks in French general would have to be done in the multi-channel mobile.

An update on the TAG in passing: a notorious breach including youth, due to complexity of the offer in France, and clearing technology and marketing courses. A study coming out of the box and market research views and reviews ...

USA, trends are not modeled on the French, and innovations are struggling to pass the barrier of the lambda user with his mobile phone. I recommend the following study:

Cipralex Und Melatonin

CEBIT Hall 17 Bank & Finance Mobile

Do not forget to go this year do a trip to CeBIT, Hall 17 Bank & Finance. Lemon Way exhibiting at Booth E05 Mobile Banking solutions, and unveil the first release of Wonderbank + Google ANDROID! Price in real time, interactive graph, purchase / sale, alerts and information, virtual portfolio selection marketplace, etc..

Many innovations in banking and finance, with exhibitors from around the world.

Unblock Runescape In School

Happy Year 2008!