Monday, July 5, 2010

Campertruck Conversions

Summits Chartreuse

Crossing Chartreuse for hikers is problematic because no shelters, we must therefore go down into the valleys.
Every night last week I had a group of 9 hikers who lived in Marseilles Clarines (small wooden chalets with magnificent views of the peaks) and dined at the Brévardière.
the menu:
Arriving on foot from the Equal and their lodging. Appetizer Salad and

savory pie
Cheese Gratin Brevard
brioche Fisheries
Coffee and tea

Sunday evening (after Chamechaude)

Beef Salad Chartreuse / pasta
cheese farm
Pie Rhubarb Coffee

Monday evening (after the chapels of the Carthusians)
Tomato / potato / olive gratin
Goat cheese with chives
Chocolate Coffee

Tuesday evening (Via ferrata Entremonts)
chicken with sorrel and wild rice and clafoutis ... Then

Grand Som, the Dent de Crolles and diots, an omelette with mint and a raspberry sauce ... It was a pleasure to receive them night after night after touring touring!


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