Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Wine 2.0 with TweetAWine

Get a Wine, Taste it, tweet it!
Channel: http://www.tweetawine.com

Twitter is everywhere. Social networks are really in the service of anything and everything. The wine is no exception. With TweetAWine is the prominence of trade in wine enthusiast who use Twitter . And it's not displeasing, even if Twitter is still in its early popularity in France, more and more users come on Twitter, the social network restricting trade to 140 characters a wall to share with friends and guests.

TweetAWine therefore uses this service microbloging to its community of scholars and enthusiasts wines, champagnes parties and good times of life. Consume with moderation. ;)

If you want participate in the project , publish and share your own experience of tasting wines with TweetAWine c ' is very simple , the only thing you need have is a Twitter account , if you have not, go create one directly from the Web site Twitter .

Then go to the next page http:// www.tweetawine.com / post-a-wine-tasting-notes to see a model for writing your book Tasting online, 14 characters and delivered to the Web to discuss the topic with other fans.

Hoping that this project does not become too crossroads of spam marketing promotions as the only objective, but well deepening and sharing knowledge. Hey by the way, I discovered a blog that champagne Armand de Brignac had just been voted Best Champagne in the world! Considering the price, it's not this year I'll try that! ;)


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