Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swollen Upper Eye Lid

Orangette Chocolate

The orangettes are very simple to make, it's long but certainly extremely simple and so good!

Ingredients (per 100g):
- 6 large oranges untreated
- 600 g dark chocolate (or coverage is better)
- 150 g sugar
- 10 ounces of water for cooking peel
- a few large salt


Wash and wipe oranges. Peel the skin by removing neighborhoods. Scrape the white skin, but leave a little anyway.

Blanch 3 times: put a pot of water to boil when the water boils, plunge in the whole peel (with a few large salt in the first bleaching to remove the bitterness), wait until the water back to boil and drain in a colander. Repeat this process 2 times.

Take 10 ounces of cooking water and drain.

Cut the skins into strips.

Prepare a syrup with the sugar and cooking water. Heat the syrup without caramelize, and dip the strips of orange.
Continue cooking over very low heat for 1 hour or longer, until the bark becomes slightly translucent.

Cool slightly, but not cure.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie (not the microwave), and soak the bark in by small handfuls at a time. Coat well chocolate (but not large package).

Remove peel one by one and let them harden on wax paper. Refrigerate.

The next day, take off and put in box.


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