Monday, December 6, 2010

Genital Herpes Outbreak Third Trimester


There's a vague smell of old socks floating in the apartment. No no no, do not look at me like that, I'm there for nothing. It's just good old reblochon who has done it again!
Rich and comforting dish for a good day snow

:-) Ingredients: 500 grams of potatoes, 50 grams butter, 200 grams of bacon nature, 2 large onions, 25 ounces of heavy cream, a glass of dry white wine, 1 reblochon farmer.

Recipe Preparation: Cook the potatoes in water and cut into slices. Sauté onions in butter. Once the onion lightly colored, add the white wine in the pan and let reduce until almost dry. Add the bacon and brown. Pour into an ovenproof dish. Add cream. Cut horizontally into two reblochon farmer and cover with potatoes. Place in hot oven until the cheese completely melted.


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