Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dimensions Of A Shot Put Circle

Butternut Ravioli stuffed

is a recipe from Jamie Oliver, one of my favorite chefs. His dishes are always tasty, colorful, fresh herbs ...

Serves 4:
1 butternut squash or butternut
20 grams of dried porcini
1 red onion, chopped 1
ccaf ground coriander seeds
leaves 2 sprigs rosemary
5 tomatoes chopped dried
100 g basmati rice
100g of pine nuts lightly fried

Soak the mushrooms for 5 minutes in 140 ml of water bouillante.Préchauffez oven to 230 ° C. Cut squash into 2 lengthwise and remove seeds and some of the flesh with a teaspoon (that always a bit difficult to dig). Chop the flesh finely with a knife. Heat a skillet in a tbsp of olive oil, add the flesh of the squash, onion, rosemary, tomatoes and coriander seeds. Cook 4 minutes, stirring often. Add the mushrooms and half of their water. Cook for 2 minutes and season. Add rice and pine nuts.

2 Fill squash halves with the stuffing, pressing well and then rebuild the squash. Rub skin with olive oil then wrap it in aluminum foil. Bake and cook 75 minutes.


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