Monday, February 28, 2011

Denise Milani Top Less 2010

Even cushions. Armchairs

After the soft cushions, pillows pleated here:)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Difference Between Damask And Jacquard

The garden with all the chairs.
This year I'll have to repaint the shutters. I take this opportunity to paint them white too.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Healthiest Greek Yoghurt

A table! :)

Here, the table is mounted.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bike Crash Numbness In Legs


For the curious, here is the origin of the Zarzuela:

Ingredients (for 6 people )
- Variety of 1 kg of your favorite fish (monkfish, gurnard, eel, cod, redfish)
- 300g squid cut into strips (or squid)
- 150 g peeled prawns or gray
- 18 prawns
- 1 liter (kg) of mussels
- 1 large box of lobster bisque
- 1 small can concentrate tomatoes
- 4 cloves garlic
- 2 doses of saffron (or 4 g of turmeric )
- paprika (1 teaspoon)
- cayenne (1 / 2 teaspoon)
- 2 glasses of white wine (Riesling , Muscadet ...)
- the juice of an orange
- juice of one lemon
- 1 glass of drink at the anise (or brandy)
- olive oil (6 tablespoons)
- 1 large onion
- 1 sprig of thyme
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 tablespoons cream
- salt and pepper


The day before: Wash, pat dry, cut out your favorite fish into medium size pieces. Salt and pepper.

Spread in a large bowl, and add on top of the squid (calamari) shrimp and prawns. Peel and crush 4 cloves of garlic.

Then, in that order, pour over everything:

1) 4 tablespoons olive oil.
2) saffron (or turmeric).
3) crushed garlic.
4) lemon.
5) the glass of aniseed drinks (cognac, depending on your taste).
6) white wine.
7) orange juice.
8) thyme, bay leaves.

Cover the dish with plastic wrap and marinate in bottom of refrigerator at least 1 hour.

Once your fish marinated mussels clean. Peel and chop onion. Drain the marinade, reserving. In a large skillet, saute onion in 2 tablespoons olive oil remaining, then give color to the pieces of fish on each side.

In a large pot, place the mussels with shells, prawns and squid (calamari).

Cover with lobster bisque and all the marinade. Add water to cover. Bake for 20 minutes at a simmer.
After this time, add the fish pieces and shrimp cream. Adjust the consistency of the soup with the right amount of tomato paste. Add salt to taste and raise cayenne pepper.

Before serving, leave to cook for 10 minutes and covered over high heat.

Swollen Upper Eye Lid

Orangette Chocolate

The orangettes are very simple to make, it's long but certainly extremely simple and so good!

Ingredients (per 100g):
- 6 large oranges untreated
- 600 g dark chocolate (or coverage is better)
- 150 g sugar
- 10 ounces of water for cooking peel
- a few large salt


Wash and wipe oranges. Peel the skin by removing neighborhoods. Scrape the white skin, but leave a little anyway.

Blanch 3 times: put a pot of water to boil when the water boils, plunge in the whole peel (with a few large salt in the first bleaching to remove the bitterness), wait until the water back to boil and drain in a colander. Repeat this process 2 times.

Take 10 ounces of cooking water and drain.

Cut the skins into strips.

Prepare a syrup with the sugar and cooking water. Heat the syrup without caramelize, and dip the strips of orange.
Continue cooking over very low heat for 1 hour or longer, until the bark becomes slightly translucent.

Cool slightly, but not cure.

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie (not the microwave), and soak the bark in by small handfuls at a time. Coat well chocolate (but not large package).

Remove peel one by one and let them harden on wax paper. Refrigerate.

The next day, take off and put in box.

Do You Need Shin Guards For Muay Thai


Ingredients (serves 4):
- 350 g of eggplant
- 350 g zucchini
- 350 g peppers red and green
- 350 gd ' onions
- 500 g tomatoes ripe or a big box of tomatoes peeled
- 4 cloves garlic
- 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 sprig thyme
- 1 bay leaf
- salt and pepper


Cut peeled tomatoes into wedges, eggplant and zucchini into small cubes. Slice the peppers into strips and onion in slices.

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a frying pan and melt-y onions and peppers. When tender, add tomatoes, chopped garlic, thyme and bay leaf.

Add salt and pepper and simmer gently, covered for 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the eggplant and zucchini. Cook them separately in olive oil for 15 minutes.

Check cooking vegetables so they are firmer. Save then the tomato mixture and cook over low heat for 10 to 20 min.

Salt and pepper if needed.

Personally, I like to add a large dollop of pesto in my ratatouille, not very traditional but very tasty!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Not Pregnant Cervix 3 Days Before Period

New garden furniture unit IKEA PS

The days are getting longer and we begin to feel like ironing time in the garden.
Want to change and therefore we just bought a new table (not find better value for money than steph & fred). It is not now given a garden table!

And we'll buy TOY Starck chairs to put around.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Breast Are Tender Meaning For Tender

the room of Baptist Home

, simple and cheap.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

38 Weeks Pregnant Can I Take Ibuprofen

the canopy: simulation

Here is a small simulation 'of what we would do in the canopy. In
we missed the chair, TV BESTA component of IKEA, 2 HAVANA suspensions of at Fly and wooden floor (not to mention family PUPPY).

But before decoration, there is still some work: (

Who wants to help us ask the insulation and plasterboard?:)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Does The 3rd Cancer Jab Hurt

lamb shank confit and roasted beets duo

Shanks lamb confit (depending on appetite 1-2 legs per person)
Bake in foil.

In a baking dish, add foil
Put rosemary sprigs and add the shanks above (4 or 6)
Add 6 to 10 cloves of garlic with the envelope
Spoon a little olive oil
pepper and salt
3 to 4 stalks of rosemary on top

Reseal foil

Bake at 150 ° C for 4 hours

Prise En Main De Tajima Dg/ml Bye Pulse

cardoon gratin

Serves 4:
- 1 kg cardoons
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 25 cl cream
- 100 g Parmesan
olive oil - salt, pepper
1-Trim the chard: the pluck and keep only the ribs, remove the son (as on the celery) and wash them in lemon water. Cut into 2 cm pieces and cook in boiling salted water 30 minutes. Drain.
2 - Sauté chopped garlic in a little olive oil. Add the chard and stir. Add flour and stir. Pour the cream and simmer over low heat, stirring until sauce is slightly thick. Season with salt and pepper.
3-Pour chard in a casserole dish, sprinkle with Parmesan and bake at 200 ° about twenty minutes.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dimensions Of A Shot Put Circle

Butternut Ravioli stuffed

is a recipe from Jamie Oliver, one of my favorite chefs. His dishes are always tasty, colorful, fresh herbs ...

Serves 4:
1 butternut squash or butternut
20 grams of dried porcini
1 red onion, chopped 1
ccaf ground coriander seeds
leaves 2 sprigs rosemary
5 tomatoes chopped dried
100 g basmati rice
100g of pine nuts lightly fried

Soak the mushrooms for 5 minutes in 140 ml of water bouillante.Préchauffez oven to 230 ° C. Cut squash into 2 lengthwise and remove seeds and some of the flesh with a teaspoon (that always a bit difficult to dig). Chop the flesh finely with a knife. Heat a skillet in a tbsp of olive oil, add the flesh of the squash, onion, rosemary, tomatoes and coriander seeds. Cook 4 minutes, stirring often. Add the mushrooms and half of their water. Cook for 2 minutes and season. Add rice and pine nuts.

2 Fill squash halves with the stuffing, pressing well and then rebuild the squash. Rub skin with olive oil then wrap it in aluminum foil. Bake and cook 75 minutes.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bob Marley Weed Leaf Theme

shrimp and coconut ginger sauce


sauce with coconut milk:

5 ml olive oil 5 g butter

1 French shallot, 1 / 2 c. teaspoon chopped ginger
25 ml dry white wine
100 ml coconut milk unsweetened
100 ml fish stock (or water)
50 ml 35% cream Salt


20 raw shrimp 26/30
and peeled 1 / 2 c. tablespoon chopped fresh ginger juice
half a lemon 3 egg whites

a good pinch of salt Freshly ground pepper

1 package pasta dumplings round
2 egg whites

sauce with coconut milk:

- In a saucepan, heat the olive oil and butter.
- Sweat the shallots for about 2 minutes.
- Add ginger, stir, and deglaze with white wine and reduce by half.
- Pour the coconut milk, fish stock and cream and bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat to low and simmer 10 to 15 minutes to thicken the sauce.
- Mixer arm mixer, adjust the seasoning, strain or a chinois and keep warm.


- To provide the stuffing, cut shrimp puree in a food processor bowl or blender.
- Add ginger, lemon juice, egg whites (3), salt and pepper. Mix again.
- Separate pasta ravioli and expand on the work plan.
- Using a small ice cream scoop, place some stuffing in center of each dough (leave about 2 inches clearance around the stuffing).
- Beat the egg whites (2) and brush the edges of each half of dough dumpling.
- Seal, closing pasta shaped halfpipe. Squeeze the edges. (If ravioli are made in advance, avoid them stick or lightly oiled if necessary.)
- In boiling salted water, cook pasta about 3 minutes.

Installation (make sure the ravioli and sauce are hot):

- In bowls, place about 5 dumplings per person.
- Pour the sauce over them.

To see the recipe in video: milk-of-coco.aspx

Student Initiation Games

Stuffed Shells with Italian Sausage Spicy Dumpling

Ingredients for 4 servings

shells 2 tablespoons tablespoons) olive oil 1 onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, chopped degermed
250 g chopped mushrooms
400 g spicy Italian sausage meat
1 liter of homemade tomato sauce (recipe more below) or a good sauce trade
100 g grated Parmesan
150 g fresh goat cheese 100g mozzarella

3 c. tablespoons pesto
2 tablespoon pine nuts 1 egg

15 basil leaves Sea salt and black pepper to taste Tomato sauce


1 kg of ripe tomatoes (Marmande, for example) or alternatively 2 large cans diced tomatoes good
1 carrot, peeled and chopped 1 onion, peeled and

chopped 1 sprig thyme 1 bay leaf

3 cloves garlic, peeled degermed
1 tablespoon tomato paste 3 pieces of sugar

a knob of butter olive oil

salt and pepper

1) Turn your oven to 160 ° (th5 )
2) On the fire in a skillet (or casserole) thick, sweat in olive oil and a 1carotte 1 onion, chopped, then add 1 sprig of thyme, 1 bay leaf, 3 cloves garlic crushed, made gently sweat covered 5 minutes and then add 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
3) Then pour your kg of ripe tomatoes cut into large pieces, salt and pepper, then add 3 pieces of sugar (to remove the acidity).
4) Then put in oven to bake for 1 hour.
5) Remove the thyme and bay leaf in your tomato sauce, then mix and pass through a sieve or fine strainer. drop a pat of butter on top. Now you can enjoy your tomato sauce.


1. Cook shells in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until al dente. Drain, then cool under cold water. Drain again and reserve.

2. Meanwhile, in a preheated large skillet over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Sauté onion and mushrooms until they begin to be colored.

3. Increase heat to high heat, then add the sausage meat and garlic. Cook, stirring and breaking up the meat to crumble, until no longer pink and the juices evaporated.

4. Remove the pan fire. Add the basil, pesto, pine nuts, goat cheese and Parmesan. Add salt and pepper. Mix well. Cool slightly and add beaten egg.

5. Preheat oven to 200 ° C (400 ° F). Cover the bottom of a lasagna with tomato sauce. Stuff the shells of the reserved meat mixture and place in dish. Sprinkle with mozzarella. Bake in center of oven 30 minutes. Broil to brown the cheese, if desired. Serve immediately.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Places That Return With No Receipt

Creamy Saffron Chamechaude

  • 4
  • leeks 2 potatoes
  • Olive oil 0.1 g. Saffron Chamechaude
  • salt water
Sauté your vegetables in olive oil, salt, cover with water, then cook.
Once cooked vegetables, add the saffron.
Brew at least 1 hour.
Skip to blender and reheat and add a little cream.